I love being a daddy. I really, really do. But today I really had to remind myself of that. Aubrey was actually pretty happy for most of the day. That was a definite change from previous days. But when Jessica got home from school, well, it got tough. She simply didn't want to do anything we asked her to. To be fair, I don't think it was deliberate. She just didn't seem able to pay attention. I would ask her to do something and "poof", it was gone, she had forgotten. I try to be...
Are my wife and I crazy? Of course we are. But are we certifiable? Some might think so. But we don't. Nope, we think we are pretty level-headed and sensible folks. Even though we decided it was time to have another little one. We thought about it a lot, and prayed about it even more. And we both felt that it was time to add to the Jones family. My third year of medical school will be pretty low key. I will be doing research, and working regular hours. I tell you what, the thought...
It's true! My wife and I can hardly believe it, but it is true. I saw it with my own (somewhat trained) eyes! A twig and berries to be sure. We had ourselves convinced we were having another little girl. The last thing I wanted to feel was disappointment, so I thoroughly convinced myself that another little girl would be the best thing in the world. But deep down I wanted a boy. A little guy around the house, a little more testosterone in the mix. And it looks like it is going to ha...
My classmates and I are celebrating. We are now third year medical students at Duke. Many of use are doing research, and actually working normal hours. After our clinical year, the thought of working normal 40-50 hour work weeks is scrumptious. Simply delectable. And the anthem many of us have been repeating daily is "No call for ten months!" However, I was painfully reminded that that isn't necessarily true. You see, being a parent really is being on call every night. You never k...
My daughter was very quiet this afternoon when I picked her up from her friend's house. I asked her what was going on and all I got was some silly answer. I could tell there was more, but I didn't want to push. It was a rough evening. She told me "No" more times than I can recall. Fortunately I didn't get upset. When I asked if I she would lay down in the bath so I could get her hair wet and she answered with the word of the day I quietly said "Okay" and left the bathroom. I went and...
For a while now (at least a year and a half or more) my oldest daughter Jessica and I have had monthly daddy/daughter dates. And they are truly amazing experiences. Last night we went to dinner. My wife isn't too fond of Chinese food (ever since being really sick after eating some Chinese food one night-not the fault of the food, just bad timing), but Jess and I love it. So we decided to head over to the local Chinese buffet and make pigs of ourselves. We had been having a rough week, ...
So, taking advantage of the cool new Photo Album feature at my Wincustomize page I decided to upload a few photos of our new addition, Big Al. Taken with an exceedingly cheap digital camera, they don't look great, but they work for the moment. You can see them in my Wincustomize photo album here: Link
Those who have read my articles for a bit now probably know I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon). I make no excuses, never try to hide it, and don't mind if anybody knows that. We take seriously the call of the Savior to "go into all the world" and preach the gospel. Not because we are trying to brainwash people, not because we are trying to shove our beliefs down other people's throats. We do it because we have found something that has brought us so m...
My wife and I firmly believe that there is a higher power and that He is intimately aware of our lives, our circumstances, and our capabilities. We also believe that as we draw close to Him through prayer and our actions that He can inspire us and help provide guidance in our lives. On more occasions than I can count I have had feelings and thoughts that came unbidden, yet that have changed my life in amazing ways. Some may simply write them off as creations of my own deranged mind. They ...
The build up until Christmas morning with little children is a pressure cooker. The heat, the intensity, the excitement build and build, every day, every minute, every second. And then in the *POP* of the lid the pressure is released and we sigh collectively. The presents are unwrapped, the new discoveries are strewn across the floor and the sounds of excitement slowly fade away, often buried beneath the cacophony of the new toys, movies, and music. Yet the memories remain. And there...
If words like poopoo, peepee, and bum are such an integral part of your vocabulary that you find yourself using them with adults as well. . .you might be a parent. If you find yourself cheering, screaming, crying tears of joy at successful attempts at getting any of the above and the toilet bowl to successfully meet without any interference from hands, the floor or clothing. . .you might be a parent. If you are more familiar with the characters, their lives, and the running stories behi...
One of the greatest joys of being a parent is playing with your kids. It is true. There are few things in this world that even come close to the laughter you hear when playing with your little ones. In our home I have the special distinction of being mammalian playground equipment. Perhaps it is some subconscious signal I send out, perhaps they sense it in me, but whatever it is my girls love to climb on Daddy. They jump on me, hang from my heights, scale to my summit and then slid...
Aubrey was Tigger (holding onto her favorite Tigger baby): Jessica wanted to be a witch, but decided at the last minute she didn't want to do the green makeup, so she cackled and casted her spells: But the hood on Tigger didn't last too long. At least she let us take some pictures with it though!
I popped my new Fates Warning CD in the home stereo today to give it a spin there. Jessica loves to dance, and loves "rock 'n roll", so she immediately jumped off the chair and started jumping around, crazy as could be. It was hilarious, especially seeing her try to dance to the beat of progressive metal (for those who aren't familiar, the genre is well known for weird time signatures and sudden and frequent changes in time sig). Aubrey, sitting on the couch, saw her sister having fun an...
I just have to say, San Chonino is a stud. For his spring break, he booked a flight and came out to visit us. He spent about a week with us, and it was great. He is one of the funniest guys around, is great with the little kids, and is just a lot of fun all around. He got down on the ground and played with our little ones. He joked with them, read them stories, did puzzles, and just basically let them abuse him. There aren't too many college kids who would choos...