A silly little blog for me to drop the excrement of my mind.
BlueDev's Articles » Page 25
November 12, 2004 by BlueDev
Surgery and medicine. Two very different worlds living in the same house. And this discovery was quite a surprise for me going into medical school. Anyone who has spent an appreciable amount of time around surgeons has surely heard them cracking jokes about the internists. For those who aren't familiar, internists (not to be confused with interns) are those who practice internal medicine. Internal medicine is an amazing field, very deep, dealing with extremely complicated patients, mos...
November 6, 2004 by BlueDev
The stars aligned, the gods smiles, and the baby-sitter WAS, in fact, planning on coming. We got to go to "The Incredibles". Now I realize that for many of you going to a movie probably seems a silly little thing, a mere trifle and not worth writing about. But hey, this is only the fourth movie my wife and I have seen in theaters this years, so every one is a bit of a big deal for us. Sometimes we feel as though we wasted our time and money. Not last night. As we left the theater my...
November 5, 2004 by BlueDev
I have already admitted to being a geek. I recognize that and embrace it. But I have another confession to make. I am also just a little boy. Deep down inside of me I still think and act like a little boy. Sometimes it drives my wife nuts (I don't blame her), but sometimes it really helps. And with our first little boy coming early next year, I will still be able to identify. See, I love explosions (and still can make a mean, mean explosion sound effect), playing with cars, playing...
November 4, 2004 by BlueDev
First off let it be known I am unabashedly a geek. I don't try to hide it and I won't beat around the bush about it. So there it is. I am not a paying member of starwars.com. In fact I haven't visited the site since the hype sessions for Episode I. But I do know they released the teaser trailer for members today, and are going to release it for general viewing next week I believe. However, I also knew that they were going to be showing it tonight during Access Hollywood, so I punish...
November 4, 2004 by BlueDev
For the sake of clarity, this article is a the second in a series I will be writing about my time as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Guatemala from 1995 to 1997. The first article is here As many here know, the first night in a new place is always a little unsettling. When that place is a different country, with a different language, climate, culture, standard of living, and diet, unsettling can be a bit of an understatement. I landed in Guatema...
November 3, 2004 by BlueDev
Yes folks, you read the title correctly. After the better part of a year and just over 100 articles it is time for me to come clean and just say it. I am right. You are stupid. If you are wondering exactly what I am right about, let me make this simple: Everything. No need to tip-toe around the issue, no need for me to write post after post, article after article in which I hint at the fact that I know everything, like some I have read here. I feel comfortable enough in my omniscien...
November 2, 2004 by BlueDev
Trials. Not a day goes by that we don't experience them in some fashion or another. They come in all shapes and sizes: alone or in groups, heavy to bear or hardly worth a notice, brief as flicker or apparently interminable. Yet no matter the size of them, each one shapes us in some small way. What I find most fascinating is the power that we have to decide how that shaping will occur. Too often we find ourselves powerless to these shapings. What makes this all the more tragic is the...
November 1, 2004 by BlueDev
Aubrey was Tigger (holding onto her favorite Tigger baby): Jessica wanted to be a witch, but decided at the last minute she didn't want to do the green makeup, so she cackled and casted her spells: But the hood on Tigger didn't last too long. At least she let us take some pictures with it though!
October 29, 2004 by BlueDev
The election draws near. The tension builds. The flames are flying along with the insults. The fate of a nation hangs in the balance. Erm, perhaps I am exaggerating a bit. Maybe I need to relax, kick back and laugh at a little political humor. So let Halloween offer you some good, old fashioned, offensive political humor. Terrifying political Halloween costumes! If you are offended go read this . And for Pete's sake (that would be me, the poster here) laugh a little.
October 29, 2004 by BlueDev
The election draws near. The tension builds. The flames are flying along with the insults. The fate of a nation hangs in the balance. Erm, perhaps I am exaggerating a bit. Maybe I need to relax, kick back and laugh at a little political humor. So let Halloween offer you some good, old fashioned, offensive political humor. Terrifying political Halloween costumes! If you are offended go read this . And for Pete's sake (that would be me, the poster here) laugh a little.
October 28, 2004 by BlueDev
Humor and its use has been mentioned a few times here in the past day or so. It got me thinking, yet again . I agree wholeheartedly that we can all benefit from a healthy sense of humor. A willingness to not take ourselves too seriously is important, no doubt. But there is a problem. No matter what you, I, or anyone else thinks, there are things that are not going to be funny to certain people. I'm not going to try to draw any lines, but for me they certainly exist. I think it would...
October 27, 2004 by BlueDev
Okay gang, this is too much fun. Certainly not worth an article, but thought that the forum lurkers may enjoy this. Have fun with the paper toss! Paper Toss!
October 20, 2004 by BlueDev
Good afternoon everyone. Yes, yes, please come in, sit down. Today I would like to discuss with you something that has been weighing heavily on my mind. But first, may I set before you a question? Good. Who here would turn around and walk away from a conversation they started? No explanation, no "Sorry, got to go", just turn around and walk off, to only strike up a conversation with someone a few feet away? Hmm, I'm not seeing many hands. Come on, raise them up, high so we can cou...
October 19, 2004 by BlueDev
So I know that there are a few people here who have been posting photos. And I know that some of them (wink wink chiprj) are hoping the host they are using doesn't figure out they are hotlinking the photos. In an effort to help us all out I registered at Imageshack.us and tried uploading a photo to see how the service is. And I am pretty impressed so far. Here are the results: If everything works out when I hit submit there should be first a small thumbnail that opens a new...
October 19, 2004 by BlueDev
I have mentioned previously that I spent a couple of years in Guatemala. I had some powerful, crazy, and fun experiences while I was there, many that I have be bouncing around in my head as ideas for things to write about. But I felt that to avoid unnecessary explanations in the future I would write a quick article that could serve as background and would pre-emptively address some of the questions that might pop up. I went to Guatemala as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of...